Overgrooming & Happy Cat Flower Essences now available! Plus Personalised Blends for Cats & Dogs. Check them out on the Shop Tab

Holistic Cat Therapist

Holistic Cat Therapist


It's so lovely to have your here looking at deepening your connection with your cat.

I could not imagine my life without my cats. 

Bach Flower Essences and animal communication has opened up a whole new world to me and I hope it will for you too. It can make a beautiful difference to your cats life.

I love what I do and I am grateful to work with so many precious cats and their guardians.

I am also passionate about working with rescue cats and collaborate with a wonderful cat rescue based in South Wales.

I studied with the Natural Animal Centre to become a Bach Flower Remedies Animal Counsellor. I also have an Advanced Certificate in Feline Fear, Anxiety and Aggression, and a Diploma in Animal Healing.

With love Lorraine xx