Overgrooming & Happy Cat Flower Essences now available! Plus Personalised Blends for Cats & Dogs. Check them out on the Shop Tab

Welcome To Bach Flower Cats

Holistic Cat Therapist


It's so lovely to have your here looking at deepening your connection with your cat.

I could not imagine my life without my cats. 

Bach Flower Essences and animal communication has opened up a whole new world to me and I hope it will for you too. It can make a beautiful difference to your cats life.

I love what I do and I am grateful to work with so many precious cats and their guardians.

I am also passionate about working with... Read more

Meet Lorraine

About Me

Bach Flower Essences and animal communication has opened up a whole new world to me and I hope it will for you too. It can make a beautiful difference to your cats life.

I love what I do and I am grateful to work with so many precious cats and their guardians.

I am also passionate about working with rescue cats and collaborate with a wonderful cat rescue based in South Wales.

I studied with the Natural Animal Centre to become a Bach Flower Remedies Animal Counsellor. I also have an Advanced Certificate in Feline Fear, Anxiety and Aggression, and a Diploma in Animal Healing.

I’m an animal communicator and a Bach Flower Animal Counsellor specialising in cats. 

I support cat parents who want to understand how their cats are feeling and help their connection grow with gentle understanding.

Cats have emotions and feelings just like us. What we do affects them emotionally and has an impact on them.

When I communicate with living pets, as well as those that have crossed over rainbow bridge. It is done with love and respect.

I love working with the flower essences. This gentle system helps with anxiety, stress, etc. Shifting emotions back to the positive.

My Cat Family

I had my first cat over 35 years ago. His name was Harley and because of him I fell in love with cats. 

Since then, I have been blessed with many beautiful felines sharing my life.

I currently share my home with Baby and Dinky, two amazing felines who keep me busy and push me to learn more and more about cats and how I can help them.

Each one of my cats has taught me so much, how they are all individuals and the unconditional love they give so freely. They have been my best teachers.

My wish is to help cats and their families live together in total understanding sprinkled with a little magic and lots of purrs.


Debit & Credit Cards accepted
By appointment only
Bach Flower Remedies Animal Counsellor
Advanced Certificate in Feline Fear, Anxiety & Aggression
Diploma in Animal Healing