Towards the latter part of last year, 2022, I wanted to offer my services to a cat in care at a rescue. Along came Coco from the Pussycat Trust Lodge.
Coco arrived at PCLT in October.
CoCo had unpredictable behaviour.
Coco would accept fuss from the carer's at the rescue, but suddenly and without warning she would lash out. On one occasion causing quite severe injuries to one of the volunteers at PCLT.
It was confirmed by the vet that Coco had no medical reason behind her behaviour.
I liaised with Rebecca from PCLT who gave me as much history as possible about Coco along with video footage of her behaviour.
From analysis of her behaviour in the recordings and her history provided by Rebecca I discovered
that Coco was especially sensitive and her behaviour unpredictable if she was fussed around her head area.
From the information gathered I was able to select which Bach Flower Remedies were needed to help Coco overcome her fear of humans and be able to move forward to enable her to go her forever home.
The BFR I selected for Coco:
Star of Bethlem - Excellent for past traumas.
Cherry Plum - For fear taking over her emotions resulting in her lashing out when touched.
Mimulus - For fear of known things. In Coco's case - humans. Mimulus works very well with Star of Bethlem in cases like this as the trauma was from her past but resulting in the fear still being present.
Walnut - To help Coco cope the the environment. Adapting to life at the rescue and when she moves to her new home.
I made Coco's bespoke remedy to be given to her 4 x daily. I also made a room mist spray to be sprayed into the environment where Coco spent her time.
Rebecca and I kept in touch to let me know how Coco was progressing. Coco responded really well to BFR and in December Coco went to her new home and I received the following from Rebecca:
'Coco went to her new home on the 27th December'
Thank you so much for your help with everything, you have been amazing.
Coco responded amazingly to BFR. Myself and the other volunteers at the rescue noticed the change in her behaviour. Before BFR Coco was very unpredictable, and after she is so loving'
Such a happy ending for Coco who is now settled in her forever home with her guardians.
Thank you for wanting to get in touch.
If you have a question about my services please drop me a message using this form.
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